Sound Filtering For The Masses

Version of the document: v0.51 (14 October 1999)

NOTE: this document will be expanded and updated whenever I got free time, someday it will reach the most complete level of information on the subject of sound filtering that a DSP programmer may wish (including for example automatic methods to design IIR filters starting from impulse responses, and everything one may need to write sound filtering applications). This tutorial has been originally written for a bunch of friends (tjena EMoon :) ) and the Amiga coders homepage, but is not specific to the Amiga computers (or any other computer) in any way.

If you click here, you can download this whole tutorial (including sources, pics and all) and read it offline.

This page is best viewed at a resolution of 1024x768 pixels.

yeah, I could have written it even smaller than that, don't whine!



by Maverick (Fabio Bizzetti)


Have you ever wanted to make an audio filter? Sure you wanted.. or you wouldn't be reading this. Since, as you see, I'm a really really magic person, now I'll guess even the rest of the story, i.e. you looked for tutorials, but found only unreadable ones full of boring equations, complex variables, excess of theory, etc.. so if you just want to filter the damn thing, you get lost inside that mess.. that probably at the end, after all that theory-pain, doesn't even give you any usable implementation!!

Well, I'll give you the implementations, but I'll also give you (if you wanna read it, that is) some important theory background. I won't talk about complex numbers, "poles", "zeros" and such.. that's too abstract for me (and probably also for you), but some theory on the physics behind filtering is not only useful, but also probably a pleasure to read (unlike the abstract math concrete waste of time, for many :) ).

So, let's start with the theory.. you can skip this section if you wish, and go directly to the implementations of IIR and FIR filters, including the more general Convolution. But if you read it it won't hurt you, I promise.


What is filtering?

To cut it short, filtering is a time-domain (i.e. sample-based) technique to modify something that belongs to rather another domain.. i.e. the frequency domain. As you understand, those two domains are very different each other.. but this doesn't mean that you can't pass from one domain to the other, modify it, and go back to your favourite domain (which most probably will be the time-domain, i.e. sample-based). That's what does the famous "Discrete Fourier Transform" (i.e. DFT and the equivalent, but faster and someway less flexible FFT), together with its inverse (to go back to time-domain from frequency-domain) called IDFT (Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform) and the faster but, again, someway less flexible IFFT. We will talk more about Fourier Transforms later.

So, filtering in practice is the technique that we need to remove or boost certain frequences in our sound sample. Like, for example, the so called "loudness".. that is a boost of low and high frequences, not affecting the middle ones. I'm sure you've heard in your life at least thousands times the effect that loudness creates on your ears. But you sure want more than just that.

As my grandpa never used to say, "To understand what is recursion, we've first to understand what is recursion..". But you're lucky, understanding filters is easier. :)

What is an impulse?

An impulse is what in sampled data would be represented by a sequence of samples that starts with a value different than zero (usually the float 1.0, for simplicity), and all the following values are always zero, instead. So, that's an impulse. The impulse is the magic door between the two worlds (time-domain and frequency-domain), so I'm sure you will never forget how an impulse looks like from now on. You'll need it.

What is the impulse response of a (linear) system?

Here we go.. When you want to measure, or analyze, the characteristics of a given filter (i.e. a routine that gives you an output sample for each input sample, modifies the spectrum of the whole sample, and that you run continuosly, for example in real time), all you have to do is to feed it an impulse, and then record what happens to the output.. that will not be just an impulse, but will be a long sequence of samples.. i.e. an impulse response. If it gave you back just the impulse you gave it in, it wouldn't be a filter. Out=In is not a filter, you know. So, first thing to learn: it is impossible to make any filter (besides artificial intelligence things that will see the light in some hundred years thanks to the work of some nephews of mine :D ) that filters your data without a "trail".. i.e. without creating some sort of short "echo".. or more properly "reverb". So short that you dont perceive it as a reverb, but that anyway blends your waveform at some extent.. i.e. filters it. This means that if in your synthesizer you wanna change waveform every cycle, whatever is the filter you're using, it will radically change your waveform, and if you pause your synth the output of the filter will not pause immediately, but some samples will go out until it will decay to zero. That's perfectly normal, and our ears dont hear any of this "reverb", as I said. Even more, it's a good thing.. because it's exactly what happens in the real world, and gives a natural sound. Even a computer cannot avoid this, although with FIR filters (read below) it can be kept lower than with the analogue-real world filters (implemented also on a computer, the so called IIR filters). But what you've to know is that passing from time-domain to frequency-domain (and viceversa) is not perfect.. it has always some limitations.. in this case the "time resolution".. i.e. you can't pretend from any filter to be quick in its response as light-speed. Neither if you upsample your sound 1000 times.. it won't change this limitation at all. In practice, this is not really a problem anyway.

What are the differences between IIR and FIR filters?

IIR means "Infinite Impulse Response", and as you may guess it is a true analogue filter (even if it's simulated by a computer, it's still 100% an analogue filter.. if you dont believe it, think that many IIR filters on computer are converted straight from the real world electronic filters counterparts). If you feed it an impulse, the output will be a self-oscillation that will decay more and more, but theoretically will never stop... it will stop just because you reached the limits that the integer/fixed-point/floating point variable that holds it can represent. FIR instead means "Finite Impulse Response", and is pretty digital, i.e. FIR filters don't exist in analogue electronics, or in nature. As the name suggests, when you feed an impulse to a FIR filter, the output will be long n samples, after which it will be *completely* "silent". From this presentation, FIR filters seem less precise, and thus worse copies of IIR filters. And this is true, but also FIR filters have qualities that IIR filters can't achieve easily. So in some applications you may prefer to use IIR filters, in other applications you will prefer FIR filters. Understanding the real differences is important to choose what kind of filter you want to implement/use for that specific task you need. Basically, IIR/FIR filters have these pro's and cons:

IIR Pro: Doesn't require much CPU load, even if you want a small bandwidth (e.g. resonant filters).
FIR Con: Requires a lot of CPU load, expecially if you want a small bandwidth (e.g. resonant filters).

From this, you already get that IIR's are more suitable for realtime, while FIR's are more suitable for non-realtime. A good point for IIR's.

IIR Pro: You can change the behaviour of the filter (e.g. the cut-off frequency and gain) changing/updating a relatively small amount of parameters in the function.
FIR Con: Changing the characterists of the filter means recalculating all of the filter's coefficients.. something that for long filters may be very time-consuming. But, anyway, long FIR filters are already time consuming by themselves.. so for non realtime uses this is not really a "Con".

From the above is clear that if you want to make a sweeping filter (e.g. a WahWah, or some 303-style resonant low-pass filters) then IIR filters are more suitable, even not considering the more CPU-intensive nature of FIR filters.

IIR Con: It's hard to design.. expecially the most complex ones, or high order ones.
FIR Pro: Whatever is the order and/or frequency response you want, FIR filters are damn easy to design.

Here an advantage for FIR's, but that applies mostly to non-realtime, because of the last point (computation costs).

IIR Con: It's extremely hard to design an IIR filter that has linear phase response.
FIR Pro: It's damn easy to design a FIR filter that has linear phase response.

What is linear phase response? Well.. as the name suggests, it's when the output keeps the correct phase information for all frequences.. something that unfortunately all the generic IIR filters don't do. But don't worry.. phase information is not as useful as it seems: our ear in most of the practical cases doesn't even notice a difference. Expecially when processing real/natural sounds, as guitar sounds, or voice, or ambient, etc.. that are already "phase random" by themselves. Different thing would be, for example, the case of a very artificial sawtooth waveform. You could hear the non-linear phase shift, then.. not a big deal, but audible anyway. You may not want this, so use a FIR filter. Otherwise, if you wanted to make an IIR filter with linear phase response, you would have to use one or more "allpass filters" (i.e. IIR filters that don't alter the frequency magnitudes at all, but modify the phase-shift at different frequences) before/after your IIR filter, to correct someway its non linear phase behaviour, and get it back to linear. Believe me, it's better to use FIR filters then! It may even be computationally preferable in some cases, let away the complexity.

What is convolution?

Convolution is a time-domain operation that lets us enter a foot into that magic door I mentioned at the begin of the tutorial, i.e. the one between time-domain and frequency-domain, still remaining really inside the time-domain world. Do you remember what is an impulse? Do you remember what is an impulse response? No? You're really a lazy lamer, pal! Well, anyway, let's go on: one nice characteristic of the so called linear systems in the discrete time-domain (as our filters used on our sound samples are) is that a whole sample can be considered a train of individual impulses, but at the end if you process a single impulse, or this whole train, using the same algorithm, the result is still the right one.
So, let's imagine we got the impulse response of a filter we like.. i.e. we don't even have its algorithm/routine, but we know how it looks like.. i.e. we've the impulse response it gave us back in response to a single impulse. In practice, what we did then was to filter a single sample. Now, being it a linear system, the impulse response's magnitude (of the whole impulse response) will be directly proportional to the magnitude of our original impulse.. so we can filter any single sample, whatever it is. Either it was 1.0 or 0.3 or 0.9 or 1.4 or -128 or +32767 it doesn't matter.. our impulse response magnitude will be directly proportional to it. So, if you have an output buffer, a look-up-table (containing the impulse response at e.g. a standard magnitude 1.0 of the impulse you used to create it), your output will be the same look-up-table multiplied for the amplitude of the input sample. Now take another input sample, increase your output pointer of 1 position, and repeat the procedure.. adding this new magnified impulse response to the previous output samples. Do it for the 3rd input sample, now to the 3rd output sample position, and so on.. and you will have performed convolution on your input sample, and got an output sample that is as long as your input sample, plus the length of your look-up-table.
Hear the result.. filtering!! The soul of the filter that you stole taking its impulse response now will live forever thanks to the convolution you performed, and even if you dont have the filter routine, you will get the filtering 100% as if you had that routine. Interesting? That's how FIR filters work. A FIR is, after all, a recording (or a simulation) of the impulse response of an IIR filter. These last ones dont use convolution of course, but a different method I will explain later. What you'll like to know now is that impulse responses are more than just filters' output.. e.g. if you go into a cathedral, swear a bit, then produce an impulse (for example popping a balloon) and record the output (that hopefully won't contain any trace of your swearing, but will contain only a nice reverb of that impulse), then go home and perform convolution on some sound sample using that impulse response you recorded there in the cathedral, you *will* hear yourself into that cathedral at the position where the microphone was, and your sample will be placed where the balloon was, and the reverb will be 100% exactly as the one you would get if you were really into that cathedral, playing samples instead of popping balloons (i.e. producing an impulse). As you may intuite, if you even go stereo, you will get some cool experience.. but don't forget that the 3D perception of audio is due also to the shape of our outer ears.. so just using two microphones resembling the head's ears won't give perfect 3D audio.. but close to. If you use a dummy head with microphones that look like ears and use the right materials (there are some in commerce) to emulate the sound absorption properties of human heads/shoulders/etc.., you will get really perfect 3D audio.. for that head, floor, shoulder and ears! That is, 3D audio is an individual thing.. it varies from person to person, that's why no generic method works well on everybody. I will give also implementations of 3D audio later, for your happiness and this tutorial's completeness.
Reverb is neither more nor less filtering, this implementation makes use of a long FIR (in the order of seconds.. i.e. hundreds of thousands samples.. not really for realtime!). The realtime reverberation units that we can buy for our electric guitars and keyboards of course don't have all that processing power, so they *try* to recreate a nice reverb impulse response by using only special IIR filters.. long ones, of course. The famous delay+feedback is nothing else than an IIR filter in practice. Those reverb commercial units in practice use many of these in serie and parallel, to recreate more complex reverberations.

So, if FIR filters use convolution, what do IIR filters use?

They use recursion.. and the more past samples they have to remember, the higher the order of the filter (e.g. 1st order, 2nd order, etc..). Normally for IIR filters you dont need anything more than that, but FIR filters (whose's order is measured by the number of samples that the impulse response they use has) are of course always (very) high order ones. For FIR filters used in sound filtering applications, orders like 32-256 or more are pretty normal. The perfect cathedral reverb example of above would need a FIR of about half million order. Not quite realtime.. but as perfect as it could really be.

What is a dB (decibel), and why do I need to know it?

linear = pow(10.0, dB/20.0);        /* from decibels to linear */
    dB = log10(linear)*20.0;        /* from linear to decibels */
[convincing text to be added]

Want an advice?

I know, you really like DSP stuff.. Want an advice? You've really to subscribe to the Usenet newsgroups "comp.dsp" and "". Also, you may want to buy some good books on DSP. In my experience, most of them are excessively superficial.. just introduction books, and no excellent book exists that covers every known DSP algorithm [if you know any, please let me know - email me].
Talking about "good books", someone suggested me (but I don't own it.. so I can't tell you if it's really good or not) "A Digital Signal Processing Primer, with Applications to Digital Audio and Computer Music" by Ken Steiglitz. Another book somebody else suggested me is "Discrete Time Signal Processing" by Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer. I recently bought a book, called "DSP Primer", by C. Britton Rorabaugh. I haven't had time yet to read it all.. but from a quick look it seems really good/complete (not covering though all the aspects of DSP, which would need 5 times the size of this book). It has got 560 pages, and a CD with C++ sources, the publisher is McGraw Hill, and, finally, the ISBN is 0070540047.
Talking about "bad books", I feel like to advice you not to buy "A Programmer's Guide To Sound" by Tim Kientzle, because you probably already know about DSP more than the author wrote in that book. That's it.. most (if not all) books on DSP leave you with more unanswered questions than you asked, so, at the end, the best thing is to subscribe to those two Usenet newsgroups, and ask for help there about the most advanced algorithms (e.g. Frequency Shifting, Constant-Q transforms, etc.. etc..).


What kind of basic IIR filter types are there?

First it's better to explain what are the parameters of these filters:

Frequency is the frequency at which the filter has to work. Depending on the type of filter you're using, the meaning of this parameter changes. For lowpass/highpass filters it's the cutoff frequency, for low-shelving/high-shelving it's the center of the "transition band", for bandpass/notch/peaking filters it's the resonance frequency.

Q is the selectivity of the filter, and is equal to the Frequency/Bandwidth. The Bandwidth is defined as the distance (in Hz) between the two points with 3dB of difference with the gain at the frequency at which the filter is set to operate (bandpass case); or the distance between the two points at dB-Gain/2 (peaking case). The higher the Q, the more selective is the filter. Note that high values for Q will slightly change the behaviour of lowpass/highpass filters, making them have a superior to flat gain before the cut-off frequency. A lowpass filter with high Q becomes a kind of hybrid between a bandpass and a lowpass. You can't get more than 12dB/octave filtering from a 2nd order lowpass/highpass filter, that's why. For a 1st order filter it's 6dB, for a 3rd order it's 18dB, for a 4th order it's 24dB, and so on. Use the provided code to get (and the graph) the magnitude response of the filters, to get a better idea of how all these parameters affect the filtering [to be added].

Gain is the gain of the filter. For lowpass/highpass/bandpass and notch it's an overall gain (like an amplifier cascaded to the filter), while for low-shelving, high-shelving and peaking filters it's the gain in the region where the filter is operating.

It's probably better to show example graphs:

That's the best theoretical performance you can get from a first order lowpass filter (set to 50Hz).. i.e. a filtering of 6 dB / octave.

Notice how, in the graph, the frequences are on a logarithmic scale, not linear. Also the gain is on a logarithmic scale (decibels).

And that's the best theoretical performance you can get from a first order highpass filter (set to 14000Hz).. i.e. the usual max of 6 dB / octave.

Now we're gonna see how the magnitude response of a second order lowpass filter looks like, having 1000Hz of cutoff frequency, a Q of 1.0 and 0.0 dB of gain:

As you can see, the main difference between first order and second order lowpass filters is that the latter can set the frequency from which the filtering will start.. while the former always starts at 0 Hz (well, the cutoff frequency is the point where the gain reachs -3dB; this is true also for 2nd order filters, but the Q parameter can make the "pass band" and "stop band" transition more abrupt, like in this graph). Another difference is, as I said before, that first order filters cannot filter more than 6dB/octave, while second order can do twice as good, and also have the Q parameter (e.g. if the Q was 10.0 instead of 1.0 of the example in the picture, we would get a big resonance (i.e. "bandpass-looking") just before the cutoff. Note that in the bandpass and notch case, an high Q does really make the filter more steepy, and from those filters you can really get more than 12dB/octave filtering even with a 2nd order filter.
The basic concept, as I intuite it at least, is that theoretically *only* bandpass filters exist, and they can be as steepy as you wish (through the Q parameter). Lowpass filters are in reality just such a ideal bandpass filter followed by an integrator (i.e. lowpassoutput = lowpassoutput + bandpassoutput), while highpass filters are in reality just such a ideal bandpass filter followed by a derivator (i.e. highpassoutput = bandpassoutput - previousbandpassoutput), and notch filters are the original signal minus the usual basic bandpass filter. Note also that a bandpass filter is just a special oscillator, with damping (the famous Q parameter). But maybe here we're getting too complicated!

The same thing, but this time it's a highpass filter, not lowpass.

Again, don't forget that the frequences in this graph are warped.. they're not linear. And that the gain is expressed in dB, not in a linear way either. That's a much better way to relate with filters, you'll get used to it as soon as you start to make practical use of them. By the way, if the gain parameter wasn't set to 0.0 dB (as in these pictures), the graph would just look translated up (positive gain) or down (negative gain) of the exact number of dB of the gain you requested. It's an overall gain, not a gain that affects only a certain zone of the spectrum.

Here I show the frequency response of a bandpass filter, still 1000Hz of resonance frequency, 1.0 of Q (not too selective.. but it's just an example), and 0.0 dB of gain.

Bandpass filters are very useful in many musical applications.. for some kinds of wah-wah's, resonance filters, etc.. I'll tell you more about applications later in this same tutorial.

This is a notch filter.. i.e. the conceptually opposite of bandpass filters. Again, 1000Hz, 1.0 Q and 0.0 dB of gain. Ideally, notch filters block completely everything at the resonance frequency, and instead let pass every other frequency.

Notch filters are useful, for example, to remove the 50Hz/60Hz (or any other) noise coming from the AC 110/220/240volts line. Another interesting use is to remove feedback (the famous Larsen effect).

Now on to the more rarely used filters. This is a low-shelving filter, 1000 Hz, Q is ignored in this kind of filters. The gain of the example in this graph is +24.0 dB (shelving filters with a gain of 0.0 dB produce no effect at all, as is easy to understand):

As you can see, shelving filters have always 0.0 dB gain at the frequences outside their action range, and affect only those frequences inside their action range. In this example, the range was quite big.. but you got the idea anyway. Also, remember that in this graph frequences aren't linear.

Same thing.. but -24.0 dB of gain this time.

High-shelving filter, 1000 Hz and +24.0 dB of gain.

High-shelving filter, 1000 Hz and -24.0 dB of gain.

Peaking filter, 1000 Hz, 1.0 Q, +24.0 dB of gain.

Well.. ideally the gain should be 0.0 dB everywhere, but in the resonance frequency, where it should be +24.0 dB. Using higher values of Q makes the response more steepy, but it also makes the resonance zone smaller. Remember, the frequences in this graph are logarithmic, not linear, thus the filter seems less steepy than it really is. It's not as bad as it seems!

Peaking filter, 1000 Hz, 1.0 Q, -24.0 dB of gain.

That's all, folks! This picture really sucks! Don't blame me.. I already wasted enough time on this tutorial. ;)

What kind of basic FIR filter types are there?

None. On a FIR you simply specify the exact response in every part of the spectrum. The higher the order of the FIR filter, the more the detail you can specify. E.g., on a 64th order FIR filter, the whole spectrum is made of 64 elements that you can adjust freely. FIR filters, however, see the spectrum in a linear way.. not logarithmic as in all the example graphs of above. This means that higher frequences are a waste of CPU power, while you hardly get enough detail in lower frequences. Why? Because the human ear works in a logarithmic way (both about frequences and, for the matter, also amplitudes).


How do I implement IIR filters?

Here I will cover only first-order and second-order IIR filters. Higher orders are commonly built using these two types as "cell blocks" that you then combine freely in serie (for a 3rd order filter, chain a 2nd order and a 1st order; for a 4th order, chain two 2nd order filters, for a 5th order, chain two 2nd order and one 1st order, and so on..). You don't need anything more than that to build any IIR filter of any complexity.

First order IIR filters exist only of two types: lowpass and highpass (ok, and other weird/unusual filters you don't really care about, right now). In analogue electronics, the first order lowpass/highpass filters are equivalent to e.g. simple RC (resistor-capacitor) passive circuits.

The lowpass implementation looks like this:

in Basic syntax, if you're still using your Commodore64 as a realtime DSP (my most sincere congratulations, btw):

20 GOTO 10

the same identical thing in C/C++ syntax instead:

input = [your actual input sample];              /* for realtime, it would be the ADC */
    output = a*input + a*previnput + b*prevoutput;   /* and this would be the DAC */
    previnput = input; prevoutput = output;
Run these 4 lines of above in a loop, and you got your filter. As you may guess, first you've anyway to calculate a & b.. but then you won't need to recalculate them anymore, unless you want to change the filter's cutoff frequency in a dynamic way; in this case you'll have to recalculate these 2 coefficients every time.. ideally in the same loop of above (or use a look up table). Now how to calculate these 2 coefficients:
b = atan( Pi * CutoffFrequency / SampleRate); b = -(b - 1.0) / (1.0 + b);
    a = 0.5 * (1.0 - b);
The "sample rate" is, ehmmm... if you don't know it, you better kill yourself within 1/44100 of second from now. "Pi" is 3.141592653589793... The "cutoff frequency" is the frequency at which the filter cuts of 3dB the input signal. The maximum achievable filtering with a first order filter is anyway 6dB/octave. It's not much, but it's already enough for many musical applications. You can put several filters in serie or in parallel if you want more filtering than that.

The highpass implementation looks like this:

    input = [your actual input sample];              /* for realtime, it would be the ADC */
    output = a*input - a*previnput + b*prevoutput;   /* and this would be the DAC */
    previnput = input; prevoutput = output;
and the coefficients:
b = atan( Pi * CutoffFrequency / SampleRate); b = -( b - 1.0) / (1.0 + b);
    a = 0.5 * (1.0 + b);

As you can see, they're very similar.. what changes is just a sign in the output formula, and in the calculation of the "a" coefficient.

Second order IIR filters:

Finally, I'm gonna show you the C source of my own second order filter unit. Consider it as a flexible filter cell, like e.g. a single unit of a parametric equalizer. Of course you can use as many as you wish, either in serie or in parallel, to build very complex filter networks. The parameters are the actual input sample, the frequency at which the filter has to work (resonance or cut-off, depends by the filter type in use), the Q (if you wanna work with bandwidth instead, you will have to calculate the Q like Q=FilterFrequency/BandWidth), the gain of the filter, and the type of filter. The last parameter allows you to change the type of filter without any "click" in the sound output (something that would happen if you instead changed the routine you call each sample), because IIR filters use feedback, and thus have to remember some of the previous sample values. Note, the coefficients of the filter will be calculated only if you change the parameters of above.. so if you make no dynamic use of the filter, it will be faster. Anyway, here's my code (note: thanks a lot to Robert Bristow-Johnson for the coefficients to make these great IIR filters, and for all the help he gave me fixing a stupid bug I made when implementing them in a hurry). There's only one function, and it looks like:

Output = FilterCell(Unit, Input, Gain, Frequency, Q, Type);

Output is the output sample you're gonna get from the filter (and feed e.g. to a DAC).

Unit is the filter unit you are referring to (like in an array). It's a kind of object-oriented programming, not using C++ classes though. For a single filter, you would always use only unit 0. But if you want to use more than one filter, then you would have to duplicate the source a number of times necessary to have all the filter units you need (remember: the filters are recursive, so they need to remember some old samples values), or I could have provided 10+ additional parameters (pointers to temporary variables for the past samples, coefficients, etc..) or a pointer to a struct, but my solution has been the simplest and most comfortable one. You have to #define maxfilterunits as the number of units you wanna use. 1 is the minimum, of course (meaning you use only unit 0).

Input is the input sample you're currently feeding to the IIR filter. For example it may come directly from an ADC.

Gain is the gain of the filter. For lowpass/highpass/bandpass and notch it's an overall gain (like an amplifier cascaded to the filter), while for low-shelving, high-shelving and peaking filters it's the gain in the region where the filter is operating.

Frequency is the frequency at which the filter has to work. Depending on the type of filter you're using, the meaning of this parameter changes. For lowpass/highpass filters it's the cutoff frequency, for low-shelving/high-shelving it's the center of the "transition band", for bandpass/notch/peaking filters it's the resonance frequency.

Q is the selectivity of the filter, and is equal to the Frequency/Bandwidth. The Bandwidth is defined as the distance (in Hz) between the two points with 3dB of difference with the gain at the frequency at which the filter is set to operate (bandpass case); or the distance between the two points at dB-Gain/2 (peaking case). The higher the Q, the more selective is the filter. Note that high values for Q will slightly change the behaviour of lowpass/highpass filters, making them have a superior to flat gain before the cut-off frequency.. i.e. a resonance peak. A lowpass filter with high Q becomes a kind of hybrid between a bandpass and a lowpass. Use the provided code to get (and to graph) the magnitude response of the filters, to get a better idea of how all these parameters affect the filtering [to be added].

Type selects the kind of filter you want to use. 0 means no filtering, 1 means lowpass, 2 means highpass, 3 means bandpass, 4 means notch, 5 means low-shelving, 6 means high-shelving, 7 means peaking, and 8 and above means crash. :D

It's about time to show you my source now..

    Declare some global variables and #define the number of filter units we want:
    double SampleRate;               /* set it to e.g. 44100.0 (Hz) */
    #define Pi  3.141592653589793    /* constant */
    #define Pi2 6.283185307179586    /* constant */
    #define maxfilterunits 10        /* set it to the max number of filter units you may use (10 units = use units 0..9) */

Now the function: double FilterCell(unsigned long Unit, double Input, double Gain, double Frequency, double Q, unsigned long Type) { static double i1[maxfilterunits], i2[maxfilterunits], o1[maxfilterunits], o2[maxfilterunits]; /* temporary variables */ static double a0[maxfilterunits], a1[maxfilterunits], a2[maxfilterunits]; /* coefficients */ static double b0[maxfilterunits], b1[maxfilterunits], b2[maxfilterunits]; /* coefficients */ static double g[maxfilterunits]; /* last Gain used */ static double f[maxfilterunits]; /* last Frequency used */ static double q[maxfilterunits]; /* last Q used */ static unsigned long t[maxfilterunits]; /* last Type used */ static double sr[maxfilterunits]; /* last SampleRate used */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ double Output,S,omega,A,sn,cs,alpha,beta,temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4; /* -- check if gain, frequency, Q, type or sample rate (an implicit parameter) has changed.. and, if so, update coefficients */ if ( ( Gain != g[Unit] ) || ( Frequency != f[Unit] ) || ( Q != q[Unit] ) || ( Type != t[Unit] ) || ( SampleRate != sr[Unit] ) ) { g[Unit] = Gain; f[Unit] = Frequency; q[Unit] = Q; t[Unit] = Type; /* remember last gain, frequency, q, and type */ switch (Type) { case 0: /* no filtering */ b0[Unit] = pow( 10.0, Gain / 20.0 ); /* convert from dB to linear */ break; case 1: /* lowpass */ Gain = pow( 10.0, Gain / 20.0 ); /* convert from dB to linear */ omega = ( Pi2 * Frequency ) / SampleRate; sn = sin( omega ); cs = cos( omega ); alpha = sn / ( 2.0 * Q ); a0[Unit] = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + alpha ); a1[Unit] = ( -2.0 * cs ) * a0[Unit]; a2[Unit] = ( 1.0 - alpha ) * a0[Unit]; b1[Unit] = ( 1.0 - cs ) * a0[Unit] * Gain; b0[Unit] = b1[Unit] * 0.5; break; case 2: /* highpass */ Gain = pow( 10.0, Gain / 20.0 ); /* convert from dB to linear */ omega = ( Pi2 * Frequency ) / SampleRate; sn = sin( omega ); cs = cos( omega ); alpha = sn / ( 2.0 * Q ); a0[Unit] = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + alpha ); a1[Unit] = ( -2.0 * cs ) * a0[Unit]; a2[Unit] = ( 1.0 - alpha ) * a0[Unit]; b1[Unit] = -( 1.0 + cs ) * a0[Unit] * Gain; b0[Unit] = -b1[Unit] * 0.5; break; case 3: /* bandpass */ Gain = pow( 10.0, Gain / 20.0 ); /* convert from dB to linear */ omega = ( Pi2 * Frequency ) / SampleRate; sn = sin( omega ); cs = cos( omega ); alpha = sn / ( 2.0 * Q ); a0[Unit] = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + alpha ); a1[Unit] = ( -2.0 * cs ) * a0[Unit]; a2[Unit] = ( 1.0 - alpha ) * a0[Unit]; b0[Unit] = alpha * a0[Unit] * Gain; break; case 4: /* notch */ Gain = pow( 10.0, Gain / 20.0 ); /* convert from dB to linear */ omega = ( Pi2 * Frequency ) / SampleRate; sn = sin( omega ); cs = cos( omega ); alpha = sn / ( 2.0 * Q ); a0[Unit] = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + alpha ); a1[Unit] = ( -2.0 * cs ) * a0[Unit]; a2[Unit] = ( 1.0 - alpha ) * a0[Unit]; b0[Unit] = a0[Unit] * Gain; b1[Unit] = a1[Unit] * Gain; break; case 5: /* lowshelf */ /* "shelf slope" 1.0 = max slope, because neither Q nor bandwidth is used in */ /* those filters (note: true only for lowshelf and highshelf, not peaking). */ S = 1.0; /* used only by lowshelf and highshelf */ A = pow( 10.0 , ( Gain / 40.0 ) ); /* Gain is expressed in dB */ omega = ( Pi2 * Frequency ) / SampleRate; sn = sin( omega ); cs = cos( omega ); temp1 = A + 1.0; temp2 = A - 1.0; temp3 = temp1 * cs; temp4 = temp2 * cs; beta = sn * sqrt( ( A * A + 1.0 ) / S - temp2 * temp2 ); a0[Unit] = 1.0 / ( temp1 + temp4 + beta ); a1[Unit] = ( -2.0 * ( temp2 + temp3 ) ) * a0[Unit]; a2[Unit] = ( temp1 + temp4 - beta ) * a0[Unit]; b0[Unit] = ( A * ( temp1 - temp4 + beta ) ) * a0[Unit]; b1[Unit] = ( 2.0 * A * ( temp2 - temp3 ) ) * a0[Unit]; b2[Unit] = ( A * ( temp1 - temp4 - beta ) ) * a0[Unit]; break; case 6: /* highshelf */ /* "shelf slope" 1.0 = max slope, because neither Q nor bandwidth is used in */ /* those filters (note: true only for lowshelf and highshelf, not peaking). */ S = 1.0; /* used only by lowshelf and highshelf */ A = pow( 10.0, ( Gain / 40.0 ) ); /* Gain is expressed in dB */ omega = ( Pi2 * Frequency ) / SampleRate; sn = sin( omega ); cs = cos( omega ); temp1 = A + 1.0; temp2 = A - 1.0; temp3 = temp1 * cs; temp4 = temp2 * cs; beta = sn * sqrt( ( A * A + 1.0 ) / S - temp2 * temp2 ); a0[Unit] = 1.0 / ( temp1 - temp4 + beta ); a1[Unit] = ( 2.0 * ( temp2 - temp3 ) ) * a0[Unit]; a2[Unit] = ( temp1 - temp4 - beta ) * a0[Unit]; b0[Unit] = ( A * ( temp1 + temp4 + beta ) ) * a0[Unit]; b1[Unit] = ( -2.0 * A * ( temp2 + temp3 ) ) * a0[Unit]; b2[Unit] = ( A * ( temp1 + temp4 - beta ) ) * a0[Unit]; break; case 7: /* peaking */ A = pow( 10.0, ( Gain / 40.0 ) ); /* Gain is expressed in dB */ omega = ( Pi2 * Frequency ) / SampleRate; sn = sin( omega ); cs = cos( omega ); alpha = sn / ( 2.0 * Q ); temp1 = alpha * A; temp2 = alpha / A; a0[Unit] = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + temp2 ); a1[Unit] = ( -2.0 * cs ) * a0[Unit]; a2[Unit] = ( 1.0 - temp2 ) * a0[Unit]; b0[Unit] = ( 1.0 + temp1 ) * a0[Unit]; b2[Unit] = ( 1.0 - temp1 ) * a0[Unit]; break; } } /* -- filter loop: if you don't change the parameters of the filter dynamically, ~only this code will be executed. */ switch (Type) { case 0: /* no filtering */ Output = b0[Unit]*Input; break; case 1: /* lowpass */ case 2: /* highpass */ Output = b0[Unit]*Input + b1[Unit]*i1[Unit] + b0[Unit]*i2[Unit] - a1[Unit]*o1[Unit] - a2[Unit]*o2[Unit]; break; case 3: /* bandpass */ Output = b0[Unit]*Input - b0[Unit]*i2[Unit] - a1[Unit]*o1[Unit] - a2[Unit]*o2[Unit]; break; case 4: /* notch */ Output = b0[Unit]*Input + b1[Unit]*i1[Unit] + b0[Unit]*i2[Unit] - a1[Unit]*o1[Unit] - a2[Unit]*o2[Unit]; break; case 5: /* low shelving */ case 6: /* high shelving */ Output = b0[Unit]*Input + b1[Unit]*i1[Unit] + b2[Unit]*i2[Unit] - a1[Unit]*o1[Unit] - a2[Unit]*o2[Unit]; break; case 7: /* peaking */ Output = b0[Unit]*Input + a1[Unit]*i1[Unit] + b2[Unit]*i2[Unit] - a1[Unit]*o1[Unit] - a2[Unit]*o2[Unit]; break; } o2[Unit]=o1[Unit]; o1[Unit]=Output; i2[Unit]=i1[Unit]; i1[Unit]=Input; /* update variables for recursion */ return(Output); }

Trivial, wasn't it?

How do I implement convolution?

Now I'll show you my source to perform Convolution. It's very versatile, and suitable for realtime, meaning that it works on a sample by sample basis, and not on a whole buffer.

Use it this way:

Output = Convolve(Unit, Input, IR_Pt, IR_Len);

Output is the output sample you're gonna get (and feed e.g. to a DAC).

Unit is the convolution unit you are referring to (like in an array). It's a kind of object-oriented programming, not using C++ classes though. For a single convolution unit, you would always use only unit 0. But if you want to use more than one convolution unit, then you would have to duplicate the source a number of times necessary to have all the convolution units you need (remember: the convolution code needs to remember past samples, so buffers are needed), or I could have provided pointers to buffers for the past samples, etc..), but my solution has been the simplest and most comfortable one. You have to #define maxconvolveunits as the number of units you wanna use. 1 is the minimum, of course (meaning you use only unit 0).

Input is your input sample.. for example coming directly from an ADC.

IR_pt is the memory pointer to the impulse response. It's a classic byte pointer, although it points to doubles.

IR_len is the impulse response length, in samples (not in bytes!). Being samples of the type double, each sample is 8 bytes long. But you've to specify the number of samples, here, not bytes.

You can freely change the content of the impulse response buffer between each sample you calculate, you can even change completely the impulse response pointer (and thus implement dynamic FIR filtering (or dynamic reverb) more easily), but you cannot freely change the length of the impulse response. If you do so, the state machine will be resetted (because new temporary buffers will have to be allocated), and you will hear a "click" in the sound. A future version of my routine will be even able to "resynch" its internal buffer when you change the length. [to be added]

    #define maxconvolveunits 10                            /* max number of convolution units we may use */
    double Convolve(unsigned long Unit, double Input, char *IR_pt, unsigned long IR_len) {
       static double *buf_pt[maxconvolveunits];
       static unsigned long buf_pos[maxconvolveunits];
       static unsigned long lastir_len[maxconvolveunits];
       double output; unsigned long n; double *ir,*bf,*bfs,*bfe;
       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
       if (IR_len!=lastir_len[Unit]) {          /* length of impulse response changed: reallocate buffer */
          if (buf_pt[Unit]!=0) free((char*)buf_pt[Unit]); /* frees a previously allocated buffer, if any */
          buf_pt[Unit]=(double*)malloc(IR_len<<3);                             /* allocates a new buffer */
          memset((PTR)buf_pt[Unit],0,IR_len<<3); buf_pos[Unit]=0;       /* reset the state of the buffer */
       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
       ir=(double*)IR_pt+IR_len-1; bfs=buf_pt[Unit]; bfe=bfs+IR_len;
       *(bfs+buf_pos[Unit]++)=Input; if (buf_pos[Unit]>=IR_len) buf_pos[Unit]=0;
       bf=bfs+buf_pos[Unit]; output=0.0;
       for (n=0; n<IR_len; n++) { output+=(*ir--)*(*bf++); if (bf>=bfe) bf=bfs; }

How do I implement FIR filters?

[to be added]

NOTE: (if you're in a hurry and can't wait the next version of the tutorial, dammit! ;) ). FIR filters are implemeted just using convolution (refer to the "theory" part for explanation), so the source I'll write will be an extension to that of convolution: i.e., I will add code to calculate the desired impulse response. For that, I've to write before IFFT code, and windowing code, so it will be for the next version of the tutorial.. I've no time right now and this tutorial's release has been delayed enough.

[to be added]



Here I will talk about some miscellaneous topics related to sound filtering:

Allpass Filters:

[to be added]

Comb Filters:

[to be added]

Phase shifter / Hilbert transformer:

[to be added]

Raised Cosine Filters:

[to be added]

Speakers simulation:

[to be added]

Functions/Formulae for drawing magnitude/phase response of IIR filters:

(without resorting to sweeping tones or white noise)
[to be added]

Functions/Formulae for drawing magnitude response of FIR filters:

(without resorting to sweeping tones or white noise)
[to be added]

Discrete Fourier Transforms & Inverse Discrete Fourier Transforms:

[to be added]

Fast Fourier Transforms & Inverse Fast Fourier Transforms:

[to be added]

Tone controls:

One may intuitively think that bass/treble controls, such as the ones found in stereos, are simply lowpass and highpass filters used more or less like in this scheme:

treble control = crossfaded lowpass_filtered_signal <> original_signal
+ (i.e. the two treble/bass filters of above/down are in parallel) --> Output
bass control = crossfaded highpass_filtered_signal <> original_signal

But, in most applications, lowpass and highpass filters try to totally remove a portion of the spectrum. For example, a lowpass filter tries to eliminate all the high frequencies. The more you go up in the spectrum, the more it will kill the frequences there.

In applications like the bass/treble controls of our virtual stereo, we rather want to cover a certain range of frequences (e.g. 0-500Hz for bass and 3000Hz-oo for treble), and, ideally, within that range cut or boost the signal of a certain quantity of dB, but affecting all the frequences in that range in the same way, and not affecting at all the frequences outside that range.

For this we need shelving filters, to cut or boost one portion of the spectrum while leaving the rest unaffected. Like a very limited graphic equalizer.

Anyway, I don't exclude that some *very* cheap portable radio may accidentally have a tone control (really too much of an extra in such a lame radio) and it may be implemented in a very cheap way, i.e. using passive RC filters, which mean 1st order lowpass/highpass filters, and not shelving filters. Also, every passive filter will be of this 1st order kind, like e.g. the tone control of a guitar with non-active pickups. But if you want to control tone decently, use shelving filters.

And then don't tell me that I didn't warn you! :D

Speaker Crossovers:

This is completely useless for our uses, I think, but I'm including it just as a mind exercise. Hi-fi stereo speakers are made of more than one speaker, usually 2 or 3. In the first configuration, you can find a woofer (for the low frequency range), a tweeter (for the high frequency range), and in the last configuration an added speaker (the so called "midrange speaker") for the middle frequency range. Naturally, such a speaker system requires a filter network to separe the signal to each of the 2 (or 3) components. In this case the use of shelving filters would be bad, because what we need is to completely remove a certain range of frequences, and thus lowpass and highpass (and, additionally (for the midrange speaker) bandpass, but not peaking) filters have to be used. So e.g. our tweeter ideally will not receive any low frequences (that could damage it), and our woofer will not receive any high frequences.

As you see, this was not quite the case of tone controls, where we just wanted to boost or cut two or more parts of the spectrum, but with a someway "flat", unaffected response outside that range.

Graphic Equalizers:

A graphic equalizer in its minimum form is like a tone control, but with an added third filter (to control the "middle" range of the spectrum). Of course graphic equalizers of an arbitrary number of filters can exist, and they're often set up in a way that each filter controls an octave or a fraction of an octave (e.g. 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 of an octave), or anyway a zone of the spectrum whose size increases logarithmically with frequency. The Q of the filters remains constant, of course.

Clearly, the implementation will be 2 shelving filters (one lowpass more or less near 0 Hz, and one highpass more or less near oo, or the Nyquist frequency (i.e. SamplingRate/2) since we're dealing with the digital form, and no frequency above that can be handled digitally), and one or more peaking filters to control the frequences in the middle.

Parametric Equalizers:

A single parametric equalizer is nothing else than the second order filter cell C source I gave you above. I.e. a filter controllable in frequency, selectivity (Q), gain and type. Commercial parametric equalizers are just this (or, as very often happens, less, e.g. offering only peaking filters), but provide some units in parallel. Well, you know how to use the parameter "unit" in my source, don't you? ;)

The Wah-Wah:

This cool effect, originarily intented as a trumpet simulator (the more or less known Vox Clyde McCoy), has been made famous by Jimi Hendrix, and is a simple bandpass filter with a high Q (a value around 10 seems to fit best). Other (maybe more common) types of wah-wah use a lowpass filter.. but the high Q makes them behave quite much like bandpass filters.
The pedal's movement controls the resonance frequency of the filter, and ranges from about 500Hz to 4000Hz. That's all. Jimi Hendrix used a Wah-Wah pedal and after it some extra fuzz (a distortion effect.. specifically a Fuzz Face, i.e. high gain, asymmetrical clipping, hard clip on top, soft compression on bottom of the wave), so some Wah-Wah pedals include both circuits in the same box, but most pedals come without this extra, and probably useful only to Jimi Hendrix, feature. There're also theories that he died because he used that extra fuzz thingy :^) (you know, a lot of theories have been made about the death of Jimi Hendrix.. why can't I add my own one? :D ).

The Auto-Wah:

This effect is a Wah-Wah where the resonance frequency is not controlled by the pedal anymore, but by an envelope follower. I.e. the power of the input signal controls the "virtual pedal". The stronger is the input signal, the higher will be the resonance frequency... so when you pluck your strings the baby will start to cry (it's not a coincidence that a synomim of Wah-Wah is "Cry Baby".. i.e. the name of one of the first Wah-Wah pedals ever made, and most probably the most famous one, as well as the lamest). A very simple peak-detecting envelope follower can be coded and added to your Wah-Wah with this line of C/C++ code:

EnvelopeFollower = (EnvelopeFollower * 0.999) + (0.002 * fabs(input));
Input is considered normalized to 1.0 (i.e. -1.0 to 1.0, not e.g. -32768 to 32767).
The rest of the Auto-Wah code would be the following (note, I've added an extra feature: the gain is higher when the Auto-Wah resonates at high frequences.. to compensate the smaller power of high frequences in normal electric guitars. Alternatively, you could use a compressor after the wah):

    wahfreq = 5000.0 * EnvelopeFollower * EnvelopeFollower;
    if (wahfreq < 500.0) wahfreq = 500.0;
    if (wahfreq > 5000.0) wahfreq = 5000.0;
    output = FilterCell(0, input, 20.0*EnvelopeFollower, wahfreq, 10.0, 3);
This is an example of this simple Auto-Wah (on my realtime DSP effects program) in action.. with my electric guitar: guitarcat.mp3
As you can see, one can make a lot of nasty effects with wah-wah's (and some distortion after :) ). Now I'm modeling much more complex/complete Auto-Wah units, but for the purposes of this tutorial semplicity is the goal.


[to be added]


[to be added]

3D Audio (Head Related Transfer Functions):

[to be added]

[more to be added]

Final words..

That's all for now.. if there're enough requests, when I have some free time I can write more tutorials on effects such as distortion (tube-like one too, not just stupid clipping), chorusing, pitch shifting, ring modulation, noise gating, dynamics compression/expansion/limiting, etc..

Since I'm not a rich person (coding games for the Amiga never made me become one, not that it was really important to become one anyway), I wrote by myself all my electric guitar DSP effects using my WC (a.k.a. PC) and its soundcard in realtime.. without any latency (besides some microseconds for the delta-sigma ADC/DAC conversion and buffering, but no DMA delay) on a program that I regularly use and enjoy. So I saved a lot of money from buying pedal effects, and I also customized my own effects to get my own "sound" and style, including a warm tube-amp simulation I'm perfectioning day after day. Someday I will release this program (as shareware probably), but right now I'm busy on a much more important project, still audio/music related (an original approach to physical modelling, to model real instruments with total realism). The biggest problem of the realtime DSP program is the lack of support of soundcards. The manufacturers nowadays don't release the specifications to program the hardware directly (as I need to get ~zero latency.. please forget Win32 and/or DirectX.. they suck, expecially as latency), so I ended up buying an old 16bit WSS card for which I had the hardware programming docs, and that was 100% WSS compatible (an Opti931 based card), unlike the Yamaha719 which is not 100% WSS compatible, and doesn't let you read/write the ADC/DAC directly. I also wrote the drivers to support the old 8/16bit SoundBlaster cards, but for such a task these cards really suck, not being able to perform 16bit->16bit fullduplex, but only 8bit->16bit or 16bit->8bit.. both are very noisy, with a very poor signal to noise ratio (48dB best case, which is not even realistically achieved).
So, if you got hardware programming docs (just the ADC/DAC and mixer, no midi or synthesizer info is needed) of good soundcards (like e.g. the SB Live), I would be glad to support them.

I hope that this tutorial was written in a clear, but still concise way, and that it solved your filtering doubts and some of your menthal problems. If it solved also some of your dietary problems, please write me! It's incredible how useful filters can be.

You cannot reach me via email at the address, but you can reach me at any/every other email address in this world. So mail yourself, and you'll be sure that I'll receive your mail. BTW: if you receive an email that you sent to me, don't worry, it's perfectly normal. Forget it.

Ciao, and happy composing/playing/coding/listening,

FabI/O "Maverock" Bzzzt

